Hello there

     Hello Armada Community! Below is the obligatory Obi-Wan picture welcoming you to any respectable Star Wars blog about anything remotely Star Wars
Image result for hello there gif"

     But now a little about me and why I started this blog.  My name is Eric and my forum name is cadetvw.  I’ve been playing Armada and having way too much fun for almost 3 years now.  However, I'm by no means an expert at this game, judging by my middling performance in most Regionals, but I like to have fun and play something that I enjoy.  So while you are using Thrawn or Raddus to trounce me, I'm over here pushing my Mon Mothma or Leia ships around, going Pew Pew, having fun, and usually surprising someone that wrote off the idea.

     Anyway, before I started playing Armada, I had roughly zero experience with any miniatures wargame, other than the terrible Wizards of the Coast Starship Battles.  But I was obviously waiting for a better game to come along after that one fizzled and died.

Image result for starship battles miniature game"
Exhibit A: So many bendy ships and overly simple rules

     Enter Star Wars Armada! Finally, the game that scratched my itch to command a fleet of Star Destroyers or plucky Rebels duking it out while surrounded by swarms of Starfighters all while offering an engaging, thought provoking experience.  I picked up the a large lot from Ebay that had practically one of everything through Wave 5, right before a 6 month stint in the middle of the desert.

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Not the worst place in the world, but you can see it from there

      There thanks to the awesome work of several (much better) blogs like Cannot Get Your Ship Out and Steel Command I figured out how the game works and due to random chance made a couple friends to play with. 

      Many, many games and friends later, my collection has grown as has my passion for the game.  With the release of Rebellion in the Rim I am excited to get the chance to tell a Star Wars story about the little guys, the Rogue One types, duking it out in the Outer Rim while all the heroes are elsewhere.  Thus this blog: a great way to share those stories with the greatest gaming community.

     Where to go from here: Well, we’re gathering a group together to start a campaign and once the games start (and my free time allows it) I will begin to write that story.  In the meantime, expect random Battle Reports and occasional thoughts/babbling about something I think is cool or neat in the realm of Star Wars Armada.

Why take a chance and read this blog: You can't get enough Armada content, you want to read occasional and obscure thoughts on fleet building, you felt pity for me and already read everything on the forums, reddit, the other blogs? Whatever floats your boat.  This is more for me and I just want to invite you along for the ride.

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